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FRIENDS FREE FLOOR TALK: The devil you know and the devil you don’t

  • 10 Dec 2017
  • 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Central Gallery, TMAG
  • 59


  • accompanied by an adult member

Registration is closed

This child-friendly presentation introduces the Tasmanian Devil in a fun and engaging way. Richard Hale, a senior TMAG educator and former Parks and Wildlife Ranger, will introduce you to the world of the Tasmanian Devil, using video footage rarely seen. This short presentation will be followed by a guided child-friendly tour of the new 'The Remarkable Tasmanian Devil' exhibition in the Argyle Galleries.  

This floor talk and guided tour will start off TMAG's Sunday Family Day. The Friends are delighted to be part of this initiative. You don't have to be a Friends member — or a child — to have a great Sunday at the museum, but we would love you to bring along your children or grandchildren to share the fun.

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