Paradise Lost: Thomas Griffiths Wainewright
You are invited to attend a talk and exhibition viewing of Paradise Lost: Thomas Griffiths Wainewright.
Wainewight was a fashionable dandy and man-about-town in 1820s London. He was also an artist, collector, critic and essayist who was friends with the cultural elite and exhibited large oil paintings at the Royal Academy. WainewrightSpent way beyond his means and forged cheques to finance his extravagant existence. He was also accused of using strychnine to poison family members in order to access inheritances. While the murders were never proven, they are the source of his notoriety today.
Ultimately, Wainewright was convicted for the forgeries and sentenced to ‘life’ in Van Diemen’s Land. Arriving in 1837, he was imprisoned in Hobart’s Penitentiary, shackled, and put to work on the road gang. As a prisoner, he wrote two petitions for freedom to the colonial authorities.
For this event, Jane Stewart, TMAG’s Principal Curator (Art), will speak about Wainewright’s intriguing life and artworks which she has been researching for more than five years.
Members $20, non-members $30, including refreshments.
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