Giant Eucalyptus Specimen Archive: urgent conservation of samples from ancient trees
Project update by Yoav Daniel Bar-Ness, Giant Tree Expeditions, with the support of TMAG’s Jayne Wilson Bursary Grant and the Tasmanian Herbarium
The 2018 Riveaux fire in Tasmania’s south was a wake-up call: our window of opportunity to study the remaining ancient trees may be closing quickly. These long-lived giant trees hold in their physical form genetic and chemical information that may be unlocked by future scientists, and the Herbarium is the safest place for these samples to be held into the future.
In this floor talk at TMAG’s Central Gallery, YD Bar-Ness will introduce the project, the individual trees, and the Herbarium collections, and describe the catastrophic backstory to this project and the lessons learnt.
YD Bar-Ness is a forest canopy ecologist and science tourism entrepreneur. Originally from Silicon Valley, he conducted the first on-ropes study of treetop biodiversity in Tasmania’s giant eucalyptus forests, and has conducted a national-scale survey of landmark trees across India.
This is a FREE EVENT and you are welcome to bring non-member friends.