On a very cold and wet Winter’s afternoon 32 keen members of the Friends of TMAG battled the elements to attend a guided tour of the Theatre Royal.
We were told how the theatre started its life and the various uses including being used for boxing competitions. Also the dubious ‘goings-on’ in the theatre and the conditions at the time of both what happened in the theatre and its surrounds. The history and the tenuous times that the theatre endured continue to the present day.
The technical procedures of how an event is staged and how equipment and props are delivered on stage were of interest.

Looking back into the auditorium is a magical experience that few had experienced and the difference of the opulence of the auditorium compared to the basic conditions backstage for the cast of productions was commented on.
The dressing room used by Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh was of interest and one member shared her memories of having seen them when they performed at the theatre in 1948.

A lovely afternoon tea was enjoyed after the tours with much chat about the experience.