On 23 June 2016 Dr Mike Pook gave a compelling talk about the various drivers that influence Tasmania's cllmate, leading to the changes in weather that we either endure or enjoy during the course of each day, or sometimes each minute.
Meteorologists use a wide array of acronyms and we became familiar with some of these in the course of the evening:
-- ENSO (El Nino-Southern Oscillation)
-- SAM (Southern Annular Mode)
-- IDO (Indian Ocean Dipole)
-- MJO (Madden-Julian Oscillation)
Analysis of these various drivers culminated in a series of maps showing how the impact of each of the influences changes on a seasonal basis. The whole subject left the audience with an enhanced awareness of the baffling complexity of climatic systems, and increased admiration for the scientists who work to unravel the complexity, helping us anticipate what the future has in store for us.
You can see more photos of the evening in our Photos section, or download the graphics from Mike's presentation here.
About Mike Pook
Mike Pook is an Honorary Fellow in CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere and an Associate of the University of Tasmania. Prior to his retirement, he was a Research Scientist at CSIRO, working in the Seasonal Prediction and Climate Variability Group. He began his career with the Bureau of Meteorology in Brisbane in 1967 while completing a BSc at the University of Queensland. After postgraduate training in Melbourne, Mike worked as a weather forecaster in Perth and Port Hedland before moving to Pearce RAAF Base in 1971. A short stint in Port Moresby was followed by a four-year posting to RAAF Base, Point Cook, as meteorology instructor to Defence Force pilots. Mike then worked as a senior forecaster in Hobart from 1978 to 1985 and spent the 1983-84 summer at Casey in Antarctica. After completing a PhD at the University of Tasmania in 1994 he worked as an academic, science communicator and administrator at the Antarctic CRC before moving to CSIRO in 2002. Mike was ABC Tasmania’s TV weather presenter for approximately 18 years from 1985 to the end of 2002.